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One way to control the traffic at busy intersections is to construct a roundabout or rotary intersection, which is a special type of at-grade intersection, where all converging vehicles are forced to move round a central island in clock-wise direction. The present study aims to design a rotary for an uncontrolled multi leg intersection located in Royapetah in Chennai, India. The intersection has five approach roads with two-way traffic in all the approach roads and there is no signal or traffic police to control the traffic at present and hence experiences traffic chaos during peak hours. In order to design the rotary, it is essential to have the information on traffic volumes coming from the approach roads. For this, a video data collection was carried out for a duration of eight hours from 7.30 am to 11.30 am and from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm on a typical working day using a handycam from the terrace of an apartment building located near the intersection. During data extraction stage, each 5 min. traffic volume was extracted for all the five classes of vehicles considered and were converted to passenger car units (PCU). The analysis of traffic data showed that during peak hour from 4.45 pm to 5.45 pm, the proportion of weaving traffic, i.e., ratio of sum of crossing streams to the total traffic on the weaving section was found to be 0.81. According to Indian road congress (IRC) guidelines, this proportion can take any value between 0.4 and 1 and in the present study, the calculated value is found to be within the prescribed range. Using the calculated values of average entry width of the rotary and width & length of weaving section, the practical capacity of the rotary was found to be 3020 PCUs which is well above the observed traffic volume of 2665 PCUs.

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Design of a rotary for an uncontrolled multi-leg intersection in Chennai,


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14th ICSET-2017 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 263 (2017) 032030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/263/3/032030

Design of a rotary for an uncontrolled multi-leg intersection in

Chennai, India

S. Vasantha Kumar, Himanshu Gulati and Shivam Arora

School of Civil and Chemical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore 632014, Tamil

Nadu, India.


Abstract. One way to control the traffic at busy intersections is to construct a roundabout or

rotary intersection, which is a special type of at-grade intersection, where all converging

vehicles are forced to move round a central island in clock-wise direction. The present study

aims to design a rotary for an uncontrolled multi leg intersection located in Royapetah in

Chennai, India. The intersection has five approach roads with two-way traffic in all the

approach roads and there is no signal or traffic police to control the traffic at present and hence

experiences traffic chaos during peak hours. In order to design the rotary, it is essential to have

the information on traffic volumes coming from the approach roads. For this, a video data

collection was carried out for a duration of eight hours from 7.30 am to 11.30 am and from

2.30 pm to 6.30 pm on a typical working day using a handycam from the terrace of an

apartment building located near the intersection. During data extraction stage, each 5 min.

traffic volume was extracted for all the five classes of vehicles considered and were converted

to passenger car units (PCU). The analysis of traffic data showed that during peak hour from

4.45 pm to 5.45 pm, the proportion of weaving traffic, i.e., ratio of sum of crossing streams to

the total traffic on the weaving section was found to be 0.81. According to Indian road

congress (IRC) guidelines, this proportion can take any value between 0.4 and 1 and in the

present study, the calculated value is found to be within the prescribed range. Using the

calculated values of average entry width of the rotary and width & length of weaving section,

the practical capacity of the rotary was found to be 3020 PCUs which is well above the

observed traffic volume of 2665 PCUs.

1. Introduction

The problem of traffic congestion and ways to tackle needs to be addressed urgently in major urban

areas of India. The exponential growth of personal vehicles, combined with increase in trips and trip

lengths are the major reasons for traffic congestion in India. In Chennai, the total personal vehicle

population has increased from 10 lakhs in 1999 to almost 32 lakhs in 2011. This accounts for about

220 percent rise in the last 12 years. The increase of personal vehicles on urban roads not only causes

traffic congestion, but also leads to safety issues. The anticipated average journey speed on major

corridors in cities with population more than 80 lakhs (category-1a) will be 9 kmph and in cities with

population 40-80 lakhs (category-1b) will be 10 kmph in the year 2021 [1]. In 2031, the situation will

be even worse with anticipated speeds of 6 and 7 kmph, respectively. The master plan for Chennai for

the year 2026 is aiming for a modal split of 70:30 (Public transit: Personal vehicles) against the modal

split of 35:65 in 2009 [2]. The decreasing use of public transport further exacerbates the congestion




14th ICSET-2017 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 263 (2017) 032030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/263/3/032030

According to Indian Road Congress (IRC) guidelines (IRC-65, 1976), a rotary can be of either

circular, elliptical, oval, rectangular shape with four approach roads/legs or it can be of complex

intersection with many approaches [3]. Most of the existing studies [4-7] on design of a new rotary or

capacity analysis of an existing rotary are mainly concentrated on intersections having only four legs

that intersect at nearly equal angles. The procedure for design of such rotaries having only four legs

intersecting at right angles is simple and straightforward as given in IRC guidelines [3]. However

studies on design of a complex rotary intersection with many approach roads have not been reported in

India. Hence the present study aims to design a rotary for an uncontrolled multi leg intersection

located in Royapettah in Chennai, India. The selected intersection has five approach roads as shown in

Fig.1. The Royapettah high road, Lloyd's road and Masilamani road are intersecting at the junction

and two-way traffic exists in all the approach roads. Currently there is no signal or traffic police to

control the traffic and hence experiences traffic congestion during peak hours. In order to design the

rotary, it is essential to have the information on traffic volumes coming from the approach roads. For

this, a video data collection was carried out, the details of which are presented in the following section.

Figure 1. Map showing the study location

2. Data collection and extraction

The video data collection was carried out to obtain the current traffic volumes, which is the main input

in design of a rotary. The data collection was carried out for a duration of eight hours from 7.30 am to

11.30 am in the morning and from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm in the evening on a typical working day using a

handycam from the terrace of an apartment building located near the intersection. A snapshot of the

video collected is shown in Fig.2. As there is no signal or traffic police to control the traffic, the

intersection experiences traffic chaos during peak hours. During data extraction stage, each 5 min.

traffic volume was extracted for all the five classes of vehicles considered, namely, two-wheeler,

three-wheeler, passenger cars, light commercial vehicles (LCV) and heavy commercial vehicles

(HCV). A total of 20 directions of traffic movements were considered while extracting the 5 min.

traffic volume data. The directions considered are shown in Table 1. The class-wise traffic volumes

observed from video were converted to passenger car units (PCU) using the PCU factors suggested in

IRC guidelines [3]. The PCU factors used were 0.75 for two-wheeler, 1 for three-wheeler, passenger

cars, LCV and 2.8 for HCVs. The number of PCUs in each of the one hour duration, i.e., 7.30 to 8.30

am, 7.35 to 8.35 am, etc. was calculated till 11.30 am to find out the morning peak hour volume. In the



14th ICSET-2017 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 263 (2017) 032030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/263/3/032030

same way, each one hour traffic volume from 2.30 pm onwards was calculated to identify the peak

hour volume in evening hours. Since it is difficult to identify the vehicles from video after 6.30 pm,

the evening data was restricted upto 6.30 pm. The observed peak hour volumes were used for design

of the rotary, the details of which are explained in the following section.

Figure 2. Snapshot of the video showing vehicles coming from different approach roads at the selected


Table 1. Observed traffic movements at the selected intersection.

Royapetah High Road (south)

Royapetah High Road (north)

Royapetah High Road (south)

Royapetah High Road (north)

Royapetah High Road (south)

Royapetah High Road (north)

Royapetah High Road (north)

Royapetah High Road (south)

Royapetah High Road (south)

Royapetah High Road (north)



14th ICSET-2017 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 263 (2017) 032030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/263/3/032030

3. Identification of peak hour traffic volume

The hourly traffic volumes from 7.30 am to 11.30 am and 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm are shown in Fig.3 and

4 for morning and evening hours respectively.

Figure 3. Hourly traffic volumes between 7.30 am and 11.30 am

Figure 4. Hourly traffic volumes between 2.30 pm and 6.30 pm

It was found that, from 9 am to 10 am, the traffic volume was 4500 PCUs, which is the maximum

when compared to other hourly volumes during morning hours. Similarly during evening hours,

between 4.45 pm and 5.45 pm, a maximum traffic volume of 4535 PCUs was observed. Thus the

results showed that the maximum traffic volume during the eight hours study period was 4535 PCUs

and that has been used in the design of the rotary as explained in the following section.

4. Design of rotary intersection

The design of rotary for the selected intersection is performed following the IRC guidelines [3]. The

first step in design is to identify the peak hour traffic volume and for the present case study

intersection, it was found to be 4535 PCUs. The direction-wise traffic volume in PCUs is shown in

Fig. 5. It can be seen that the number of vehicles travelling in Royapetah high road is very high, i.e.,

936 PCUs from north to south and 611 PCUs from south to north. Similarly the number of vehicles

proceeding towards Lloyd's road west from north of the Royapettah high road is high as seen in Fig. 5.



14th ICSET-2017 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 263 (2017) 032030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/263/3/032030

Figure 5. Direction-wise traffic volume in PCUs

The next step is to determine the inflow and outflow volumes in each of the approach roads. The

results are shown in Fig.6. It can be seen that the sum of inflow and outflow was found to be

maximum in the Royapettah high road (north), i.e., about 2665 PCUs. According to Kadiyali [8], the

practical capacity of the rotary should be more than this value for the design to be satisfactory.

Figure 6. Inflow and outflow volumes in each approach road

The third step is to find out the diverging, merging and weaving traffic from each of the five approach

roads as shown in Fig.7. This helps to find out the section where the proportion of the weaving traffic

, i.e., ratio of sum of crossing streams   to the total traffic        is maximum. For

the present intersection, the maximum proportion was found to occur between Royapettah high road

(south) and Lloyd's road (west). That is,

    

             

     



14th ICSET-2017 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 263 (2017) 032030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/263/3/032030

According to IRC guidelines [3], the proportion can take any value between 0.4 and 1 and in the

present study, the calculated value is found to be within the prescribed range.

Figure 7. Diverging, merging and weaving traffic from each of the five approach roads

The next step is to calculate the practical capacity the rotary can handle for the given geometric

conditions and proportion of weaving traffic to total traffic. The empirical formula to calculate the

capacity of the rotary is given below [3].

   

  

 


Where, is the practical capacity of the weaving section of the rotary in PCUs/hr, is the width of

the weaving section, is the average entry width of the rotary and is the length of the weaving

section and is the proportion of the weaving traffic, i.e., ratio of sum of crossing streams (sum of b &

c) to the total traffic (sum of a, b, c and d) on the weaving section. For the present case, the proportion

of weaving traffic was calculated as 0.81. Using the maximum width of the approach road (10.36m),

the average entry width of the rotary was found to be 7.48 m and width of the weaving section as

10.98 m. According to IRC-65:1976, the weaving length should be at least 4 times the width of the

weaving section. Thus the weaving length for the present study was calculated as 44 m. Using the

above values of average entry width of the rotary, width & length of weaving section, proportion of

weaving traffic, the practical capacity of the rotary using equation (1) was calculated as 3020 PCUs

which is well above the maximum value of sum of inflow and outflow volumes, i.e., 2665 PCUs.

Hence the design can be considered adequate to handle the present approach traffic volumes. Finally,

the drawing of the proposed rotary intersection was prepared using AutoCAD as shown Fig.8.



14th ICSET-2017 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 263 (2017) 032030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/263/3/032030

Figure 8. AutoCAD drawing showing the proposed rotary intersection

5. Conclusion

The Rapid urbanization is a serious issue faced by most of the metropolitan cities in India. Many

people are migrating from rural to urban areas and this urbanization results in the increase in number

of vehicles plying on the road. Though the vehicular growth follows an exponential trend, the

infrastructure expansion does not commensurate at the same level, thus results in traffic congestion on

city roads. Less usage of public transport further aggravates the congestion situation. One way to

control the traffic at busy intersections is to construct a roundabout or rotary intersection. Most of the

existing studies on design of a new rotary or capacity analysis of an existing rotary are mainly

concentrated on intersections having only four legs that intersect at right angles. However studies on

design of a complex rotary intersection with many approach roads have not been reported in India.

Hence in the present study, design of a rotary for an uncontrolled multi leg intersection located in

Royapettah, Chennai was attempted. Traffic volumes coming from different approach roads were

collected using videographic techniques and analyzed for peak hour traffic volume. Using that, the

design of the rotary following IRC guidelines was attempted and finally a drawing showing various

design elements for the proposed rotary intersection was prepared using AutoCAD software. When

compared to grade separators, constructing a rotary is a cheap and effective solution.

6. References

[1] CMDA 2008a Study on traffic and transportation policies and strategies in urban areas in

India - Final Report Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority, Chennai, India.



14th ICSET-2017 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 263 (2017) 032030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/263/3/032030

[2] CMDA 2008b Second Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area 2026 Chennai Metropolitan

Development Authority, Chennai, India.

[3] IRC: 65 1976 Recommended Practice for Traffic Rotaries Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi,


[4] Chandra S and Rastogi R 2012 Mixed traffic flow analysis on roundabouts Journal of the Indian

Roads Congress Paper number 575 69-76.

[5] Patel M 2014 Solution for reduction of traffic congestion: a case Study of Thaltej rotary

intersection International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology 4(1) 37-45.

[6] Mallikarjuna R 2014 Operational Analysis of Roundabouts under Mixed Traffic Flow Condition

M.Tech Thesis Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela,


[7] Damor M N, Prajapati H C 2014 An evaluation of capacity of roundabout: A case study of

Anjali roundabout at Ahmedabad International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced

Engineering 4(2) 149-151.

[8] Kadiyali L R 2000 Traffic engineering and Transport Planning Khanna Publishers, New Delhi,


... Then it happened will only cause problems opening a new problem-solving for citizens that the area was settled and could even reduce the quality of life of citizens [6,7]. Social Balance is one of the concepts that are offered to answer the problems above, where buildings and facilities therein to provide positive impact to the society around them, by way of share various things, from the use of facilities, and activities [8,9]. The expected goal is because the feeling of mutual need, and having one another among the lives around it is expected that uniqueness will attract buyers to other dwellings rather than ordinary residences and finally the selling price increases because of the nature of creating adjacent areas, growing together and integrate with each other [10]. ...

  • Linna Ismawati
  • F Faturahman

The purpose of this study is to increase the selling value of apartments, with the concept of social balance that is expected to be made to develop and grow in the environment around them with the power of synergy that will have an identity or characteristic. In this study, the authors used descriptive methods carried out in the literature and descriptive approaches to determine the success of the study, as well as references from previous studies. The results of this study are to make buildings that are not selfish and care for the community, especially those who live in apartments and generally the surrounding community. With the concept of social balance, the synergy between the two who become identities will be created while increasing the value of the apartment because of the value that other apartments do not have.

Operational Analysis of Roundabouts under Mixed Traffic Flow Condition M

  • R Mallikarjuna

Mallikarjuna R 2014 Operational Analysis of Roundabouts under Mixed Traffic Flow Condition M.Tech Thesis Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India.

Traffic engineering and Transport Planning Khanna Publishers

  • L Kadiyali

Kadiyali L R 2000 Traffic engineering and Transport Planning Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, India.

Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology) Operational Analysis of Roundabouts under Mixed Traffic Flow Condition M

  • R Mallikarjuna

An evaluation of capacity of roundabout: A case study of Anjali roundabout at

  • M N Damor
  • H Prajapati

Damor M N, Prajapati H C 2014 An evaluation of capacity of roundabout: A case study of Anjali roundabout at Ahmedabad International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 4(2) 149-151.

Solution for reduction of traffic congestion: a case Study of Thaltej rotary intersection

  • M Patel

Patel M 2014 Solution for reduction of traffic congestion: a case Study of Thaltej rotary intersection International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology 4(1) 37-45.

Mixed traffic flow analysis on roundabouts

  • S Chandra
  • R Rastogi

Chandra S and Rastogi R 2012 Mixed traffic flow analysis on roundabouts Journal of the Indian Roads Congress Paper number 575 69-76.

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